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 前言:李乘伊教授,中国中医康复医疗保健工作委员会专家、北 京乘伊医学研究院院长,当代中医事业创新与发展之奠基人,乃一代 中医学界翘楚。出生于四川省米易县,有着彝族血脉。1973 年出身 于武术中医世家,他自幼聪慧过人,对中医理论有着浓厚的兴趣,勤 学不辍,从成都中医药大学毕业后,在成都军区八一骨科医院、中国 人民解放军总医院(301 医院)等机构进修深造并获 得博士学位。后 又师从于国家中医药管理局首任局长吕炳奎教授学习中医,师 从中 国武术协会常务副主席张山师父传承武术。多年来大力推广中医药事 业的 创新与发展,弘扬中华传统文化,怀着对中医事业的热爱,不 断进取,勇攀高 峰,终成一代宗师。长期以来,我国广大卫生与健 康工作者弘扬“敬佑生命、救死扶伤甘于奉献、大爱无疆”的精神, 全心全意为人民服务,特别是在面对重大传染病威胁、 抗击重大自 然灾害时,广大卫生与健康工作者临危不惧义无反顾、勇往直前、 舍 已救人,赢得了全社会赞誉。同时, 为全面推动大健康产业发展,响 应习近平总书记“没有全民健康,就没有全面小康”的号召。《中国 科学家年鉴》特别收录了,在中医事业发展中,守护人民健康中做出 杰出贡献的著名国医大师--李乘伊教授。季乘伊教授系国家机关老干 部健康顾问团首席专家,现任世界中医药研究 学会主席、世界传统

 文化研究院执行院长、中华临床医学会副会长、北京乘伊医学研究院 院长等职。

 Preface: Professor Li Chengyi, an expert of the Working Committee of Chinese Traditional Medicine Rehabilitation Health Care and the President of Beijing Chengyi Medical

 Research Institute, is the founder of the innovation and development of contemporary TCM. He was born in Miyi County, Sichuan Province, with yi blood. He was born into a martial arts TCM family in 1973. He was very intelligent and had a strong interest in TCM theory since childhood. After graduating from Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, he studied and obtained a Ph.D. from the Eighth Army Orthopaedic Hospital of Chengdu Military Region and the General Hospital of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (301 Hospital). Later, he studied TCM with the first director of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Professor Lv Bingkui, and inherited martial arts from Master Zhang Shan, the executive vice chairman of the China Martial Arts Association. Over the years to vigorously promote the cause of traditional Chinese medicine innovation and development, carry forward the Chinese traditional culture, with love for the cause of traditional Chinese medicine, continuous progress, courage to climb the peak, eventually become a master. For a long time, the vast number of health and health workers in China have promoted it “Blessing life, saving death and helping wounded willing to give, Love is boundless.” In the spirit of serving the people wholeheartedly, especially in the face of the threat of major

 infectious diseases and in the fight against major natural

 disasters, the vast number of health and health workers have

 not flinched from the crisis, courageously advanced, and have

 saved lives, earning the applause of the whole society.


 李乘伊教授是位传奇人物, 1973 年出生于四川米易玄帝颛顼 故里。因祖辈是彝族,世代行医练 武,所以他出生后,还在襁褓中 时, 爷爷就背着他上山采药,这使得他 小小年纪便认识了很多不同 种类 的草药,被称之为小神童。稍大时, 他便跟在爷爷身后观察爷 爷给人 看病、开方子、抓药的各个细节, 让他对中医的认识更加系 统化。可 以说,他的童年是在实践和不断学 习中医知识的时光中度 过的。 中学时代的李乘伊便开始有 意识地系统学习中医知识。偶尔 的 一次机会,有个患者来看病,恰逢 爷爷不在家,他便顺手给人进 行治 疗,并敷上些草药,没想到还真治 好了来者的病。从此之后, 李乘伊 便开始给人瞧病、开药方、抓药等, 俨然一个医生的样子在 看到病人 治愈后的轻松心情,在内心泛起阵 阵欣慰的同时,也让他 开始思考未 来人生的发展方向。经过几夜的深 思熟虑,李乘伊依毅 然决定从事中 医事业,他希望通过自己的努力, 让更多的人恢复健 康,走出病痛的 折磨,重拾欢乐时光。 医武世家,这个看似平常但 却 至关重要的生长环境,给了李乘伊 教授生命的滋养,让他在青春 少年 时,便选择了自己的人生道路,并 用全部的精力为之努力、为


 1、 Scholarly family, determined to write

 legendProfessor.Li Chengy i is a legend. He was bornin. the hometown of Zhuan Xu, the Xuandi of Miyiin. Sichuan Provincein. 1973. Because.his ancestors were Yi peop leand..practiced

 medicine and.martial arts for..generations, when he was still a baby, his grand.father carried him up the mountain.to collect medicin.e, which made him know many different kinds of he rbs at a young age,and..he was called a little prod igy. When he was a little older, he followed behind his

 grandfatherand..observed the details of his grand.father’s treatment, prescriptionand..prescription, so as to make

 hisunderstandingoftraditional Chinese medicine more

 systematic. It can be said that his childhood was spent practicingand.constantly learning traditional Chinese

 medicine knowledge.

 In middle school, Li Chengyi began to consciousl

 yand..systematically learn traditional Chinese medi cine

 knowledge. Oncein. a while, a patient came to see a doctor. It happened that grandpa was not at h ome. He treated peop leand.. applied some herbs. Unex pectedly, he really cured the patient. Since then, Li Chengyi began to treat peop le, prescribe prescri

 ptions, fill medicine, etc., just like.a doctor. Seeing the patient’s relaxed mood after being cured,

 he felt gratified. At the same time, he also began to think about the development direction of his fut ure life. After

 several nights of careful consideration, Li Chengyi resolutely decided to engagein. th e cause.of traditional Chinese medicine. He hoped t hat through his own efforts, more peop le would reco ver from.the suffering of illnessand..regain.a happy time.

 Yiwu aristocratic family, this seeming lyor.dinar y but vital growth environment, has given ProfessorLi Chengy i the nourishment of life, so that when he was young, he chose his own life pathand..workedhard for. it with all his energy!


 传统中医博大精深 ;中华武术 源远流长,二者融会贯通,可收 到 相得益彰之奇效。中国的大医学家 往往也是大武术家。医武兼修 可上 溯到东汉名医华佗,众所周知,华佗发明了“五禽戏”。2011 年 5 月 23 日,经国务院批准,华佗“五禽戏”列入第三批国家级非物 质文 化遗产名录。由此可见,作为著名医学家的华佗也是中华武术 的鼻 祖 ;而药王孙思邈,民间亦盛传其精 通武术,曾以一指点穴法 治愈大将 尉迟敬德的肩痹风;到了南宋末年, 更有全真教全真七子,

 其中又以丹 阳子马钰与长春子丘处机最为突 出,针灸学上著名的 “马丹阳天星 十二穴主治杂病歌”即为丹阳子马钰所撰 ;长春子丘处 机后来还担任了成吉思汗的医疗健康顾问。殊不知,在医学领域有极 高成就的李乘伊,同样也是一位武林高手。李乘伊不仅精通医术,更 是武术高手。他将武学中的力道融入医学,独创出“乘伊透穴疗法”, 这一 疗法以其独特的疗效,赢得了患者和医学界的广泛赞誉。这种将 武术与医学相结合的创新思维,正是李乘伊教授在医学道路上不断探 索和突破的体现。

 从幼年就开始习武的李乘伊 教授,在学医的过程中,对武学的 力道也颇有了解。李乘伊教授中学 时已达到国家一级运动员水平, 后 在河南嵩山少林寺练武。他曾跳过 伞,蹦过极,独自攀登珠峰 7000 多米,一年四季只穿单衣单裤。 2003 年 2 月 9 日,李乘伊 教授在零 下 20 摄氏度的冰雕馆内停留 4 小 时 7 分钟,荣获“北 京首届雪世界 杯抗寒极限挑战赛”男子组亚军, 央视 5 套及多家 报纸对其进行了实况转播,刚到而立之年的李乘伊教 授名扬海内外。

 为了系统学习中国武术,他拜 中国武术协会常务副主席、国际武 术联合会技术委员会主任、香港中 华武术体育协会名誉主席、武术 界 享有盛名的张山先生为师,逐渐让自己的武医精湛,也让李乘伊 教授 渐渐思考:能不能研究一种方法,患 者不用药物或少用药便可 治疗病 痛?

 通过多年的潜心研究,加上祖 传的中医妙方,又结合积累的临 床 宝贵经验,让李乘伊教授在传统针灸推拿手法的基础上,摸索出 一套 独特的“乘伊透穴疗法”,此手法 用手尖的力道,以指代针, 在一瞬 间完成点、弹、拔、按、压手法, 用指法着力支点,达到防 病祛病的 效果。

 2、 Medicaland..martial arts, colorful life,

 differentTraditional Chinese medicine is broadand..profound ; Chinese martial arts has a long history. If they arein.tegrated, they can comp lement each other. C hina’s great medical experts are often great martia l artists. The combination of

 medicineand.. martial arts can be traced back to Hua Tuo, a famous doctor

 in.the Eastern Han Dynasty. As we all know, Hua Tu

 oin.vented the “five poultry opera”. On May 23, 201 1, with the approval of the State Council, Hua Tuo’ s “Wuqinxi” wasin.cludedin. the third batch of nati onalin.tangible

 cultural heritage list. It can be seen that Hua Tuo, a famous medical scientist, is also the ancestor.of Chinese martial arts ; Sun S imiao,the king of medicine, is also widely rumored to be

 proficientin. martial arts. He once cured general Yuchi Jingde’s shoulder arthralgia with the method of one finger acupoint ; At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, Quanzhen taught the seven sons of Qua nzhen, among which Ma Yu, the son of Danyang,and..Q iu Chuji, the son of Changchun were the most promin. ent. The famous “song of Ma Danyang Tianxing

 twelve points for. treating

 miscellaneous diseases”in. acu punctureand..moxibustion was written by. Ma Yu, theson of Danyang; Changchun Ziqiu Chuji later servedas a medicaland.. healthconsultant for.Genghis Khan.Unexpectedly, Li Chengyi, who has made great achie

 vementsin. the field of medicine, is also a Wulin.expert.

 Professor.Li Chengy i, who has been practicing ma rtial arts since his childhood, also has a good und erstanding of the power of martial artsin. the proc ess of learning medicine. Professor.Li Chengyi reac hed the level of national first-class athletes when

 he wasin. middle school. Later, he practiced marti al

 artsin. Shaolin.Temp lein. Songshan, Henan Provin.ce. He once jumped an umbrellaand..bungee jumping, climbed more than 7000 meters of Mount Everest alon e,and..only wore sing le

 clothesand..trousers all ye ar round. On February 9, 2003, Professor.Li Chengyi

 stayedin. the ice sculpture museum at minus 20 for. 4 hoursand..7 minutes and.won the second p lacein. the men’s group of the “First Snow World Cup extreme challengein.

 Beijing”. It was broadcast live by.CCTV 5 setsand..many

 newspapers. The newly establish ed Professor.Li Chengy i was famous at homeand.. abroad.

 Inor.der to systematically learn Chinese martial arts, he paid tribute to Mr.ZhangShan,executive vice chairman of the Chinese Martial Arts Associat ion, director.of the technical committee of the Int ernational Martial Arts Federation,

 honorary chairm an of theHong Kong Chinese martial arts sports ass ociationand..famousin. the martial artsin.dustry. He

 gradually made his martial arts medicine

 exquisite,and..Professor.Li Chengyigradually thought: can he

 study a method that patients can treat their pain.withoutor..with less drugs?

 Through years of painstaking research, combined with the ancestral recipe of traditional Chinese me dicineand..the

 accumulated valuable clinical experi ence, Professor.Li Chengy i explored a unique set of”Chengy i acupoint penetration

 therapy” on the basi s of traditional acupunctureand..massage. This technique uses the power of the tip of the hand.to refer to the needle, comp lete the point, bounce, pull,

 pressand..press techniquesin. anin.stant,and..use. t he

 fingering to focus on the fulcrum, so as to achi eve the effect of disease preventionand.elimination.


 人生之路的铺就与成功,在于 崇高的理想。拥有崇高理想,才 能 让前行的路更加顺利、更有宽度。 当李乘伊决心学习中医后,他 的人 生目标就变得非常明确。高中毕业 后,他如愿考上了成都中医 大学大 学毕业后,李乘伊又在成都军区八 一骨科医院、中国人民解 放军总医 院等机构进修深造并获得博士学 位。在进修深造的过程中, 他有缘 结识了新中国中医事业莫基人、卫 生部首任中医司司长和中 医药管 理局局长、中医泰斗吕炳奎教授, 并拜师门下,全面学习中 医理论, 这为他日后精湛的中医针灸疗法 奠定了坚实基础。 在导 师的引领下,悟性极高的 李乘伊教授走遍祖国名山大川,遍 访名医、 博览古今医学文献。精研 《黄帝内经》《医宗金鉴》《人体 解剖学》 等医典名著。经过三十多 年的临床经验,证明“乘伊透穴疗 法”疗 法对颈椎病、腰椎间盘突出、 肩周炎、关节炎、心脑疾病偏瘫后 遗 症、肠胃系统疾病、软组织损伤 及各种神经痛、头痛、代谢紊乱、 妇 科病等疑难杂症均有显著疗效。 通过手法复位,达到活血化瘀,治疗 疾病的目的。

 行医做事,都要以德为先、以 德为武。在行医的路上,李乘伊 教 授至少救治了几万名患者。近二十 多年来,他出访了几十个国家 和地 区,作了一百多场(其中在联合国 总部作过多次演讲)主旨演讲, 为多国首脑诊病治疗。特别在非典和 新冠重大疫情期间,李乘伊教 授用 自己的实际行动,生动诠释了一名 医护人员的奉献精神和本色。

 李乘伊始终把患者的健康放 在首位,他遍访名医,博采众长,不 断 提高自己的医术水平。他的“乘伊 透穴疗法”对多种疑难杂症有 显著 疗效,为数万名患者带来了福音。在 重大疫情期间,他更是挺身 而出,用 自己的实际行动诠释了医护人员 的奉献精神和本色。

 在多年临床及科研的基础上 : 李乘伊教授先后发表了论文 200 余篇,获得无数好评和奖励。《关 于推拿点穴的实践与疗效》一文, 在第三届中医药发展论坛上被评 为优秀论文特等奖《 ; 儒家文化与 中 医学漫谈》一文,在第八届中国管 理科学大会论文评选中获一等 奖 ; 李乘伊教授应邀做了大会主旨演讲在澳大利亚第六届世界中医 药 大会上。

 2009 年李乘伊院长应邀在澳 大利亚墨尔本参加第六届世界中 医药大会并做主旨演讲:《乘伊透 穴疗法的疗效与实践》。为了推动 中国的中医文化李乘伊院长多次 代表中国中医界在纽约联合国总 部发言并作主旨演讲。他对中医的 独到见解,把人类养生保健提高 到 一个前所未有的高度。

 2010 年,李乘伊教授应邀在 上海世博会上作主旨演讲《中医 “治未病”与健脾》。他的《道家 辟谷与中医养生探源》一文,在中 华健康养生产业发展论坛上引起 业界广泛关注,被誉为中国康养事


 2016 年中国代表团首次参加 C2 蒙特利尔峰会应邀李乘伊院长 做《中医学传承与“乘伊透穴”疗 法创新》主旨演讲,并为加拿大政 府 要员赠送书法作品及保健治疗。

 3、 Mind the common peop le, a good doctor.and.amessenger of lightThe paving and.success of the road of life liesin. lofty ideals. Only with lofty ideals can we make

 the road ahead more smoothand..wider. When Li Chen gy i decided to study traditional Chinese medicine, his goalin. life became very clear. After graduatin.g from.Chengdu University of traditional Chinese medicine, he went to college. After graduating from.University, Li Chengyi went to Bay

 ior.thopedic hospital of Chengdu Military Region, General Hospital ofthe Chinese peop le’s Liberation

 Armyand..otherin.stitutions for.further studyand..obtained a doctorate. In the process of further study, he had the chance to meet the founder of traditional Chinese medicinein. New China, the first director.of the Department of traditional Chinese medicine of the Ministryof health, the director.of the administration of traditional Chinese

 medicineand..Professor.Lv Bing kui, a leader of traditional Chinese medicine. He paid homage to his

 teachersand..comprehensively studied the theory of

 traditional Chinese medicine, whichlaid a solid foundation for.his exquisite acup unctureand..moxibustion therapy in. the future.

 Under the guidance of his tutor, Professor.Li Ch engy i, who is highly savvy, has traveled all over t he famous

 mountainsand..rivers of the motherland, v isited famous

 doctorsand..extensively read ancientand..modern medical

 literature. He has carefully stu died such famous medical

 classics as the Yellow Emperor’s Canon ofin.ternal medicine, the Golden Bookof medical Zongand..human anatomy. After more than 30 years of clinical experience, it has been

 proved that “Chengy i point penetration

 therapy” has signi ficant curative effect on cervical s pondy losis, lum bar disc herniation, scapulohumeral periarthritis, arthritis, heartand..brain.diseases, sequelae of hemip legia, gastrointestinal system diseases, soft ti ssuein.jury, various neuralgia, headache, metabolic disorder, gynecological

 diseasesand..other difficultand.. miscellaneousdiseases.

 Through manual reduction, the purpose of promoting blood

 circulation an d removing blood stasisand..treating diseases can be achieved.When practicing medicine, we should put


 firstand..take morality as force. On the way of pr acticing medicine, Professor.Li Chengyitreated at least tens of

 thousands of patients. Over the past two decades, he has visited dozens of countriesand.

 regions, delivered more than 100 keynote speeches

 (including many speeches at the United Nations Head

 quarters)and..provided medical treatment for. leaders of many countries. Especially during the SARSand.the new coronavirus epidemic, Professor.Li Chengyi vividly explained the

 dedicationand..true colors of a medical staff with his own practical actions.

 On the basis of many years of clinicaland..scien tific research, Professor. Li Chengyi has published more than 100 papersand..won numerous praiseand..aw ards. The article on the practiceand..efficacy of

 acupoint massage was awarded the special prize o f excellent paper at the thirddevelopment forum

 of traditional Chinese medicine ; The essay on Confuci an

 cultureand..traditional Chinese medicine won the first

 prizein. the paper selection of the 8th ChinaManagement Science Conference ; Professor.Li Cheng y i wasin.vited to give a

 keynotespech at the co nference. At the 6th World Congress of traditiona l Chinese medicinein. Australia, Professor.Li Cheng

 y i was invited to give a keynote speech on the

 efficacyand..practice of Chengyi point penetration thera py. His unique views on traditional Chinese medici ne have raised human health care to an unprecedented height.

 In 2010, Li Chengyi wasin.vited to give a key not e speech at the Shanghai World Expo,pointing out t he “prevention of diseases”and..strengthening the s p leen “of traditional Chinese medicine. His article “the valley of Taoismand..the origin.of traditional Chinese medicine health preservation” has attracted extensive attentionin. thein.dustry at the

 ChinaHealthPreservation Industry Development Forum, an d is known as the leaderand..guide of China’s health


 四、医德高尚,学术精深大放异彩 在积极为患者治疗疾病的同 时,李乘伊教授深刻认识到防病比 治病更重要,而中华几千年的养 生 文化正是这一结论的体现。中华传 统养生文化是在特定的价值体 系 和文化环境中所形成的特定的思想动机和观念模式,在广泛摄取 宇 宙生成论和天人论、阴阳五行论和 八卦九宫说,以及 中华传统

 医学思想理论体系和符号体系的基础上,中华传统养 生文化反映和

 体现着传统文化围绕人的生命价值,形神关系动静关 系等一系列的

 基本态度和哲学思考,是几千年中国医者智慧的结 晶。 而随着社

 会经济的发展,人们 的生活节奏不断加速,不健康的饮 食习惯和不

 规律的作息时间,让很 多人的健康情况堪忧 ;尤其是越来 越多的亚 健康状态的出现,让人们 对健康也越来越重视,这就衍生了 众多养 生产品和养生疗法的出现 但是万变不离其宗,任何养生方式 都离不 开中医药学的核心理论。李 乘伊教授亦深谙养身之道,在生命 的健 康养护和疾病的预防方面,他 提出的一整套理论在实践中得以 证实, 在九十年代初李乘伊第一个 提出康养命题。康养涵盖养老、养 生、 心理、智慧、医疗、文化、体 育、旅游、交通、商业、娱乐、休 闲、

 运动、电子、商务、建筑、民 生、绿色环保、特色小镇建设等诸多 领域,目前已经成为全民关注的 新兴产业。

 成就与荣誉的背后,是李乘伊 教授为中医传承事业默默奋斗的 决心,也见证了他为祖国中医药事 业创新与发展做出巨大贡献,特 别 是他对中医药学的理论研究和实 践探索,填补了世界中医药领域 的 空白。由于他为传统中医的传承及 当代中医事业的创新与发展做 出 的卓越贡献,被称之为当代中医事 业的创新与发展的开拓者与奠 基 人。

 中医是中华民族的瑰宝,也是中华民族发展过程中不可或缺的 一部分,它已深深地融入国人的血 脉。中医几千年的发展史,就是 其 传承史。李乘伊教授从祖辈那里获得了医学启蒙,在中医大学学 习理 论知识,再到中国人民解放军总医院的锤炼和恩师吕炳奎的言 传身 教,更是一部活生生的中医传承 史。而李乘伊教授又在行医的 过程中,将传统中医发扬光大并有所创 新,亲自带领学生,把宝贵 的经验 教给新时代的医者,完成了一次华丽而又深远意义的接力。 医者仁心、医者仁术,中华医学更是遥无止境。李乘伊教授多年 的 学医生涯,让他感觉到越读书越 感到知识不足,越当医生胆子越 小, 唯有把自己当成小学生,严格 要求自己,放下架子,一辈子学生, 以 众为师、以万事万物为师并把自 己所学毫无保留地传授给后来者, 方能将中医事业传承下去让具有 几千年悠久历史的华夏瑰宝继续 灿烂!

 4、 Noble medical ethics, profound academic knowledgeand..brilliant achievements

 While actively treating patients with diseases,

 Professor.Li Chengy i deep ly realized that disease p revention is more important than disease treatment,and.China’s health culture for.thousands of years is the embodiment of this

 conclusion. Chinese tradi tional healthpreservation culture is a specific id eological motivationand..conceptual model

 formedin. a specific valuesystem and.cultural environment. On the basis of widely absorbing the theory of univ erse

 generation, the theory of heavenand..man, the theory of

 yin.and..Yangand.. five elements, thetheor.y of eight

 diagramsand..nine palaces, as well as th e

 ideologicaland..theoretical systemand..symbolic s y stem of Chinese traditional medicine, Chinese trad itional health

 preservation culture reflectsand..em bodies the traditional culture around human life va lueand..therelationship between formand..spirit, A series of basic

 attitudesand..philosophical thinking, such as

 dynamicand..static relations, are the cry stallization of the

 wisdom of Chinese doctors for thousands of years.

 With the development of social economy, peop

 le’s pace of life is accelerating.

 Unhealthy eating h abitsand..irregular workand..rest time make many pe op le’s health worry in.g; In particular, the emergenc e of moreand.. more sub-health states makes peop le p

 ay moreand..more attention to health, which leads t

 o the emergence of many health care productsand..he alth care therapies. However, changes arein.sep arab le

 from.itsor.ig in,and..any health care method is i nseparable from.the core theory of traditional Chin.ese medicine.

 Professor. Li Chengyi is also familiar with the way of self-cultivation. In terms of

 life health maintenanceand..disease

 prevention, a set o f theories he put forward have been

 confirmedin. pr actice. He was the first to put forward the proposi tion of health maintenancein. the early 1990s. Heal th care covers pension, health care, psychology, wi sdom, medical treatment, culture, sports, tourism, transportation, commerce, entertainment, leisure, s ports, e-commerce, construction,

 peop le’s livelihoo d, green environmental protection,

 characteristic t own constructionand..many other fields. At

 present, it has

 become an emerging in.dustry concerned by.th e whole peop le. Behind his achievementsand..honors is Professor.Li Chengy i ’ s determination to fight si lently for.thein.heritance of

 traditional Chinese m edicine. It also witnessed his great contribution t

 o thein.novationand..development of traditional Chi

 nese medicinein. the motherland. In particular,

 his theoretical researchand..practical

 exploration of traditional Chinese medicine filled the gap in. the

 field of traditional Chinese Medicinein. the world.

 Because.of his outstanding contributions to thein.

 heritance of traditional Chinese medicineand..the i

 nnovationand..development of contemporary Chinese m edicine, he is known as the pioneerand..founder of thein.novationand..

 development of contemporary Chin ese medicine.

 Traditional Chinese medicine is not only the tre asure of the Chinese nation, but also anin.dispensa ble part of the development of the Chinese nation. It has been deep

 ly in.tegratedin.to the blood of

 the Chinese peop

 le. The development history of traditi onal Chinese medicine for.thousands of years is


 inheritance history. Professor.Li Chengyi

 received medical enlightenment from.his grandparents, studi ed theoretical knowledgein. the University of tradi tional Chinese medicine,and..then trainedin. the Ge neral Hospital of the Chinese peop le’s Liberation A

 rmyand..the wordsand..deeds of his mentor.LV Bing ku

 i, which is a living history of thein.heritance of

 traditional Chinese medicine. In the process of pra cticing medicine, Professor.Li Chengy i carried forw ardand..innovated traditional Chinese medicine, per sonally led students to teach valuable experience t o doctorsin. the new era,and..comp leted a magnifice

 ntand..far- reaching relay.

 Chinese medicine is even more endless.

 Professor. Li Chengy i ’s many years of

 career as a doctor.has made him feel that the more he studies,

 the more he feels lack of knowledge,and..the less daring he is to be a doctor. He can only regard himself as a primary school student, strictly demand.himself, pu t down his airs, be a student all his life, take th e masses as the teacher, take everything as the tea cher,and..impart what he has learned unreservedly t

 o the latecomers, so as toin.herit the cause.of tra

 ditional Chinese medicineand..make the Chinese trea sure

 with a long history of thousands of years cont inue to flourish!

 五、守正创新,赢得事业辉煌发展 为了推动我国的养生文化事 业发展,李乘伊教授曾应邀出访几 十个国家和地区,多次代表中国 中 医界,在国际性传统中医学术交流 大会上做主旨演讲,并为多国 首脑 进行保健治疗,受到极高的赞誉。 荣誉等身的李院长被聘为布 隆迪共和国驻中国大使馆中布合作委 员会顾问,作为两国政府和民 间全 面深人交流合作的智库成员,中国科学家论坛副理事长,中国 民间中 医医药研究开发协会理事,医圣张 仲景撰写的《伤寒杂病论》 白云阁 藏本再版特邀副主编,《科教兴国》 丛书特邀副主编。他在 欧美荣获健 康大使杰出成就奖,在国内被授予 国医圣手奖,“乘伊 透穴疗法”得到 了医学界和患者的-致认可。2008 年,“乘伊针灸特 色疗法”被评为 “中医一技之长特色疗法”;“乘伊 透穴特色疗法”

 被评为“优秀名中医特色疗法”。并获得“中国民间 中医康复医疗保 健传承名师”“中 医药领域德艺双馨人物和汶川赈灾模范工作者”“奥 运 2008 优秀企业家”等光荣称呼!

 2009 年,在马来西亚首府吉隆坡召 开的第 47 届世界传统医学 大会上, 李乘伊教授荣获大会特设的金手 指奖。2012 年,“乘伊透 穴疗法又 被科技部评为中国科技创新最佳 发明成果奖”。李乘伊教 授本人获 得“2012 年中医药发展杰出功勋人 物”、“2012 年中医正 骨十佳杰出 人才”荣誉称号!2014 年,李乘伊 教授荣获“亚洲医学 科技荣耀奖”、 2014 年国家医学教育发展中心“健 康养身情、共筑 中国梦”等奖项。 在 2015 年第八届中国管理科学大 会上,乘伊透 穴疗法荣获“中国管 理科学研究与应用优秀成果奖”。“乘伊医学” 品牌被中国管理科学 研究院、中国国际经济技术合作促 进会、中国 影响力杂志社、中国中小企业协会信用管理中心,及其全 国行业影 响力人物(品牌)大型活动 组委会等五家机构,评为“中国中医保健 行业十大影响力品牌”和 “中国中医康复保健服务公众满 意佳典范 品牌” ;由李乘伊创办的 “北京乘伊医学研究院”,被评为 “全国质 量服务信誉 AAA 级诚信 示范单位”。

 2015 年,李乘伊教授先后荣获 国家发改委颁发的“中国中医医 疗 行业新标杆人物奖”“中国公益事 业领军人物奖”“中国改革优秀 人 物奖”。在“2015 中国经济高峰论 坛暨第十三届中国经济人物年 会” 上,由国家发改委、国务院国资委、 中国社科院、中共中央政 策研究室 等有关部门领导和经济界知名人 士组成的评审委员会,评 定北京乘 伊医学研究院获“中国经济绿色健 康环保单位”大奖,院 长李乘伊荣 获“中国经济医疗行业新领军人 物”奖项。2015 年, 李乘伊教授应 邀做客国务院新闻办旗下中国互 联网新闻中心发起 的“中国品牌影 响力提升计划”重点实施项目一 CCTV《影响力对话》。

 2016,李乘伊教授获中国中医 医疗行业新标杆人物奖、中国公 益 事业领军人物奖、中国改革优秀人 物奖、中国经济医疗行业新领 军人 物、2016 中国发展改革领军人物等 荣誉称号。 2017 年李乘 伊教授荣获“2017 全球华人最具影响力医学领袖人 物”荣誉称号。 并参与国家 28 式 太极拳编写出版工作,担任编委会 副主编一职。 2017 年由草原英雄武 林那达幕(内蒙古)组委会选举荣获 “蒙古王- 草原武林名师”“蒙古 王-草原武林名家”荣誉称号。2017 年中国著 名医学家李乘伊教授应 邀参加纽约联合国总部全球新经 济高峰论 坛,在论坛上进行“关于 发扬国粹中医”的主旨演讲,并荣 获“全 球新经济中医临床医疗特等 奖”,现场给多国元首赠送自己的 书法 作品,传播中国传统文化。

 2018 年,北京乘伊医学研究 院荣获“中国品牌影响力 100 强” 李乘伊教授荣获“改革开放四十年 -一中国科技创新十大人物”“改 革开放四十周年中国品牌影响力 医学领袖人物”、“改革开放 40 中 国领军人物 国医典籍 年德艺双馨医学家”“改革开放 40 年行业领 军人物”“2018 年十大创 新医学家”等称号。 2019 年 1 月,第四 届“中国经 济新模式创新与发展峰会”暨 2018 “中国行业领先品 牌”电视盛典活 动在全国政协礼堂胜利召开会议 表彰了 2018 全国 企业创新成果的 领先品牌和个人,北京乘伊医学研 究院荣获“中国 行业领先品牌”。 李乘伊教授获“中国行业最具创新 力商业领袖” 奖。

 2019 年 9 月 17 日,北京钓鱼 台国宾馆举行由《人民日报社》 《经 济日报社》《市场观察杂志社》《发 现品牌栏目》、对外经贸大 学联合 主办,经济日报总编辑亲自主持, 全国政协齐续春副主席致 词的“建 国 70 周年.经济发展与品牌建设高 峰论坛”,李乘伊教授 应邀参加了 开幕式。 在这次高峰论坛上,“北京乘 伊医学研究院” 经大会第三方舆情 监测机构综合评价,企业荣获“建 国 70 周年。 中国中医行业十大质 量示范品牌奖” ;个人荣获“建国 70 周年.推 动中国中医行业高质量创新发展杰出青年奖” ;及“建国 70 周年. 推动中国经济发展杰出贡 献人物奖”“中医药产业科技进步 奖”“中 医药传承创新首席科学家” “民族品牌(全球)推广大使”“全 球新 经济中医临床医疗特等奖” “2020 年度国际中国公益责任品 牌奖” “科技中国创新先锋”“国 医大师勋章”、“中国中医药传承 与创新

 网专家顾问委员会首席专 家”“创新中国专家智库联盟副理 事长” “全国雷锋式人物”等奖项。

 2020 年 4 月被中国管理科学研究 院聘任为客座教授、大国医 药智库 成员:同年 6 月“李乘伊中医传承创 新工作室”成立。2020 年 9 月,李 乘伊教授应邀参加十七届中国科 学家论坛!各级领导专 家院士 2000 多人参加!李乘伊教授再次当选为 中国科学家论坛副 理事长!并荣获 “中医药传承创新首席科学家” “中国中医药非物 质文化遗产保 护功勋人物”。北京乘伊岐黄中医 院被评为“中国中 医药非物质文化 遗产突出贡献单位”。2020 年 12 月,李乘伊教授 荣获“榜样人物紫 奖”,并荣登封面人物。

 2021 年 1 月,李乘伊教授成 为 2021 年挂历封面人物,与 12 位 中国工程院院士共贺新春。2021 年 2 月,李乘伊教授荣登《国之栋

 梁》专刊封面人物。2021 年 3 月 2 日,李乘伊教授被俄罗斯联邦 国会 全民健康委员会受予“中俄传统医 学交流项目高水平成就奖”。 2021 年 3 月 26 日,鉴于李乘伊教授在 我国 2020-2021 年度抗击 新型冠状 病毒疫情中做出突出贡献,经 CCTV 大医中国栏目组、CCTV 影 响中国栏目组及中华临床医学会中国领军人物 国医典籍 全体理 事会联合共同网络投票评 选,特授予李乘伊同志“2020 一 2021 年 度感动中国抗疫先进医学 人物荣誉称号。

 2021 年 3 月 29 日,李乘伊教 授参加 2021 际中国公益事业 大典 联合报道,被授予“中医界形象大 使”称呼。 2021 年 4 月, 李乘伊教授人编 《推动中国中医药发展的 100 位国 医大师风采展 示录》。

 2021 年 5 月 23 日,李乘伊教授应邀参加中国商界领袖论坛即 第十届金典奖公众满意典范品牌 新闻发布领袖年会。在十届“见证. 品卑的力量”公众满意度专项调研 活动中,根据专家、记者、策划 人、公众及行业人士提名,依据“组委 会推荐、公众投票、严格审 核”三 方数据评分结果,《北京乘伊医学 研究院》在此次课题调研 活动中被 推选为:金典奖.推动当代中医事业 发展突出贡献单位奖, 院长李乘伊 教授荣获:金典奖.引领中医行业发 展十大榜样人物奖, 推动中医药行 业高质量发展.年度十大创新人物 奖。

 2021 年 5 月 24 日,第十八届 中国科学家论坛在京召开,来自 全 国各地各行业的院士专家、科技工 作者、企业家代表出席了年度 科技 盛会,会议期间还举行了第四届中 国企业首席科学家论坛。李 乘伊教授应邀参加会议并讲话。

 在这次活动中,李乘伊教授荣 获“2020-2021 具有影响力科技 创 新先锋人物奖”、北京乘伊岐黄中 医院荣获“2020-2021 社会责 任突 出贡献奖” 2021 年 5 月 27、28 日,李乘 伊教授应邀在钓 鱼台国宾馆参加 2021 中国经济新业态新形势发展 研讨会并发言 ! 并同第十二届全国 政协副主席齐续春、第一届国务院 国有重点大型 企业监事会主席谢 钟毓等领导及全国优秀企业家合 影留念。 在这 次大会上,李乘伊教授荣 获“中国当代中医药事业终身成就 奖”称 号、“推动中医药行业发展 杰出创新人物”称号、“最具社会 责任感 杰出贡献人物”称号! 2021 年 6 月 28 日,李乘伊教 授被三辰影 库音像出版社《走近大 国崛起的开拓者》收录!

 2021 年 7 月 18 日~20 日,第 二十一届中国世纪大采风暨年 度 人物电视总结表彰大会,在中央电 视台演播大厅举行,今年是十 四五 规划的开局之年,更是疫后重生的 新时代,李乘伊院长应邀出 席第二 十一届中国世纪大采风婴年度人 物电视总结表彰大会。北京 乘伊医 学研究院荣获“当代爱心医疗机 构”荣誉称号,李乘伊院长 荣获“当 代中医疑难杂症特效疗法专家” “当代中医事业奠基人”

 荣誉称 号。

 2021 年 8 月 2 日,李乘伊教 授被中国科学文化出版社《奋斗 百 年路-一启航新征程(学党史传精神 跟党走-一百人百事典藏纪 实)》收 录! 2021 年 8 月 22 日,李乘伊教 授应邀参加第六期《发 现之美系列 人物访谈之百年百位创新英雄榜》 节目录制。本期节目 由中央电视台 著名节目主持人邵明悦主持。旨在 弘扬新时代下科技 创新精神,展示 新形势下中国科技最新成果,树立 新格局下中国科 技产业标杆。即席 访谈授予“李乘伊”同志:发现之美, 《创新时 代力量》2021 新闻焦点人 物。

 2021 年 9 月 18-19 日,第十九 届中国科学家(国际)论坛在京

 召 开,李乘伊博士应邀参加了此次论坛,并作“致知力行继往开来 --浅 谈中医药传承与创新”的主旨演 讲。北京乘伊岐黄中医院获“中 国 管理科学院商学院中医药产业发 展研究中心”称号,李乘伊教授 被 授予第十九届中国科学家(国际)论 坛“科技创新形象大使”称号。 中 国科学家论坛主席、中国管理科学 研究院商学院院长、中国未来 研究 会企业家分会会长陈贵颁发了证 书。

 2021 年 12 月,李乘伊教授获 “中国 2021 年度非凡人物”荣

 誉 称号。

 在荣誉面前,李乘伊不敢有半 点松懈,他时常牢记恩师吕炳奎 送 给自己的话悬壶济世、医道无涯”, 并以此来勉励自己。他一路 走来, 风雨兼程,厚积薄发从“中医一技 之长特色疗法"、“优秀名 中医特 色疗法”,到“中国科技创新最佳 发明成果奖”“亚洲医学科 技荣耀 奖”“中国管理科学研究与应用优 秀成果奖”再到 2015 全 国中医药 十佳最具推广价值的特色创新疗 法,一种疗法获得众多殊 荣,不仅 彰显其优越的治病疗效,更突出创 立者的精湛医术。

 除此之外,李乘伊教授还坚持 带学生,注重培养新一代医者, 把 自己所学毫无保留地传给他们,他 坚持用事实说话,努力提高医 学技 术,用口碑和医术,来打造北京乘 伊医学研究院的品牌。

 5、 Keep uprightand..innovate to win.brilliant development of the cause

 “Chengy i point penetration therapy” has been una

 nimously recognized by. the medical communityand..pa tients. In 2008, “Chengy i acupuncture characteristi c therapy” was rated as “traditional Chinese medici ne skill characteristic therapy” ; “Chengy i point pe netration characteristic

 therapy” was rated as “exc ellent famous traditional Chinese medicine characte ristic therapy”. And won the honorary titles of ” famous Chinese folk traditional Chinese medicine re

 habilitationand..health carein.heritance teacher”,

 “virtuous and.artistic figuresin. the field of trad itional

 Chinese medicineand..model workersin. Wench uan disaster relief”, “excellent entrepreneur of 2008 Olympic

 Games”and..so on!

 In 2009, Professor.Li Chengy i won the special go lden finger award at the 47th World Conference on t raditional medicine heldin. Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia.

 In 2012, “Chengy i acupoint penetration therapy” was also rated as the “bestin.vention achievement a ward of China’s scientificand..technological innova tion” by.the Ministry of scienceand..technology. Pr ofessor.Li Chengyi himself won the honorary titles of “outstanding meritorious figurein. the developme nt of traditional Chinese medicinein.

 2012”and..“to p ten outstanding talentsin. bone setting of traditional Chinese medicinein. 2012”!

 In 2014, Professor.Li Chengy i won the “honor.award of

 Asian medical


 building the Chinese dream ”and..other awards of the national medical education development centerin. 2014.

 At the 8th China Management Science Conference i n 2015, “Chengy i acupoint penetration therapy” won the “excellent

 achievement award of China management science

 researchand..application”. “Chengy i medicine” brand.has been rated as “top tenin.fluential b randsin. China’s

 traditional Chinese medicine healt h

 carein.dustry”and..“good model brand.of public sa

 tisfactionin. China’s traditional Chinese medicine

 rehabilitationand..health care services” by.fivein.

 stitutions,in.cluding China Academy of Management S ciences, China Council for. the promotion ofin.terna tional

 economicand..technological cooperation, Chin.a influence

 magazine, credit management center of C hina Association of smalland.. medium- sized enterpr ises,and..the Organizing

 Committee of nationalin.du stry influential figures (brands) large-scale activ ities ; The “Beijing Chengyi Medical

 Research Instit ute”, founded by.Li Chengyi, was rated as “AAA cred it demonstration unit of national quality service reputation”.

 In 2015, Professor.Li Chengy i won the “new bench marking Figure Awardin. China’s traditional Chinese

 medicinein.dustry”, “leader awardin. China’s publi c

 welfare undertakings”and..“outstanding figure awa rdin. China’s reform” issued by.the national

 developmentand..Reform Commission. At the “2015 China

 Economic Summit Forumand..the 13th annual meeting of C hinese economic figures”, the evaluation committee composed of

 leaders of relevant departments such as

 the national developmentand..Reform Commission, th e state owned assets supervisionand..Administration

 Commission of the State Council, the Chinese Acade my of Social Sciences, the Policy Research Office o f the central Committee of the Communist Party of C hinaand..celebritiesin. the economic community eval uated that Beijing Chengy i medical researchin.stitute won the award of “China’s economic green, health

 and.environmental protection unit”, President Li C hengy i won the award of “new leaderin. China’s econ

 omicand..medicalin.dustry”. In 2015, Professor.Li C hengy i wasin.vited to attend CCTV in.fluence dialog ue, the key

 implementation project of the “China brand. influence

 promotion p lan” launched by.China Inte rnet News Center under

 the Information Office of the State Council. In 2016,

 Professor.Li Chengy i won the new benchm ark awardin. China’s traditional Chinese medicineand..medicalin.dustry, the leader

 awardin. China’s public welfare undertakings, the outstanding person a wardin. China’s reform, the new leaderin. China’s economicand..medicalin.dustry, the leaderin.

 China’sdevelopmentand..Reformin. 2016and..other honorarytitles.

 In 2017, Professor.Li Chengy i won the honorary t itle of “2017 g lobal Chinese mostinfluential medic al leader”. He also participatedin. the compilationand..publication of

 national 28 Style Taijiquanand.served as the deputy

 editor. in.chief of the Editorial Committee. In 2017, the

 Organizing Committee of grassland.hero Wulin.Nadamu (Inner Mongolia) won the honorary titles of “king of Mongolia – fam ous teacher of grassland.Wulin”and..“king of Mongol ia – famous master.of grassland.Wulin”. In 2017, Professor.Li

 Chengy i, a famous Chinese medical scientist, wasin.vited to participatein. the g lobalnew economy summit forum at the

 United Nations head quartersin. New York. At the forum, he gave a key no te speech on “promoting the quintessence of tradi tional Chinese medicine”,and..won the “special prize

 for.clinical medicine of traditional Chinese medicineintheg lobal new economy”. He presented his calligraphy works to heads of state of many countries on site to spread Chinese

 traditional culture.In 2018, Beijing Chengyi medical

 researchin.stitute won the “top 100 Chinese brand.influence”, Professor.Li Chengyi won the titles of “40 years of

 reformand..opening up – Top 10 Chinese

 scientificand.technological innovation”, “medical leader o

 f Chinese brand. influencein. the 40th anniversary of reformand..opening up”, “medical expert with

 bothvirtueand..artin. the 40 years of reformand..o

 pening up”, “industry leaderin. the 40 years of

 refor.mand..opening up”and.. “top 10innovative physiciansin. 2018”. In January 2019, the fourth “China’s new economi c modelin.novationand..Development

 Summit”and..2018 “China’sin.dustry leading brand” TV

 event were s uccessfully heldin. the auditorium of the C

 PPCCNational Committee. The conference commended th e leading brandsand.. individuals of national enterp risein.novation achievementsin. 2018,and..Beijing Chengy i medical

 researchin.stitute won the

 “leadingbrand.in.China’sin.dustry”. Professor.Li Chengy i won the award of “the mostin.novative business leaderin.


 On September 17, 2019, Beijing Diaoyutai state g

 uesthouse.held the “70th anniversary of the foundin.g of the peop le’s Republic of China. Economic devel

 opmentand..brand.building summit forum”, which was jointly sponsored by.the peop le’s daily, economic d aily, market

 observation magazine, discover brand.c olumn and.the

 University of foreign tradeand..econo mics, presided over

 by.the chief editor.of economicdailyand..delivered a speech by.ViceChairman Qi Xuchun of the CPPCC National Committee.

 ProfessorLi Chengyi wasin.vited to attend the opening ceremony.

 At the summit forum, “Beijing Chengyi Medical Re search Institute” was comprehensively evaluated by.the third party of the general assemblyand..the mon itoringor.ganization of the situation. The enterpri se won the “70th anniversary of the founding of the peop le’s Republic of China. Top 10 quality demonstration brandsin. China’s traditional Chinese

 medicinein.dustry”; He won the “70th anniversary of the f ounding of the peop le’s Republic of China. Outstand. ingYouth Award for.promoting high-quality in.novati onand..development of China’s traditionalChinese m edicinein.dustry”; And

 “70th anniversary of the fou nding of the peop le’s Republic of China.

 Outstandin.g contribution award for.promoting China’s economicdevelopment”.In 2020, Professor.Li Chengy i won the “scientifi cand.. technological progress award of traditional Chinese medicinein.dustry”, “chief scientist of trad itional Chinese Medicine Inheritanceand.. innovation “,”national

 brand. (global) Promotion Ambassador”, “special prize of g lobal neweconomytraditional Chin.ese medicine clinical

 medicine”,”2020 Internation al Chinapublicwelfare

 responsibility Product Awar d”, “pioneer of scientificand.. technological Chinain.novation”, “Medal of national medical master”, “c hief expert of Expert Advisory Committee ofChina t raditional Chinese Medicine Inheritanceand..innovation

 network” “Vice chairman ofin.novative China expert think tank alliance”, “national Lei Feng figure”and..other


 In April 2020, he was appointed as a visiting pr

 ofessor.by.the Chinese Academy of Management Scienc esand..a member of a large country pharmaceutical t hink tank ; In June of the same year, “Li Chengyi tr aditional Chinese Medicine Inheritanceand.. Innovation Studio” was established.In

 September 2020, Professor. Li Chengyi wasin.vi ted to attend the 17th China scientists forum! More than 2000 leading

 expertsand..academicia ns at all levels participated!

 Professor.Li Cheng y i was re elected as vice chairman of the China sci entists forum! And won the “chief scientist of trad itional Chinese Medicine Inheritanceand..

 innovation ”and..“meritorious figurein. the protection

 ofin.ta ng ible cultural heritage of traditional Chinese med icine”. Beijing chengy iqihuang traditional Chinese medicine hospital was rated as the “outstandi ng contributor.to the

 intangible cultural heritageof Chinese traditional medicine”.

 In December 2020, Professor.Li Chengy i won the ” Purp le Award for.role models”and..was honored as the cover

 character. In January 2021, Professor.Li Chengy i became the cover figure of the 2021 calendarand..celebr ated the new year with 12 academicians of the ChineseAcademy of engineering.

 In February 2021, Professor.Li Chengy i was honor.ed as the cover person of the special issue of thepillars of the

 country.On March 2, 2021, Professor.Li Chengy i was award ed the “high level achievement award of China Rus sia traditional

 medicine exchange project” by.the N ational Health Committee of the Congress of the Russian Federation.

 In March 26, 2021, Professor.Li Cheng made outstand.ing contributions to the NewCoronavirus epidemi cin.

 2020and..2021in. March 26, 2021. He was awarde d the

 honorarytitle of “2020 one 2021 moved to Chi na’s advanced medical figures” in.the 2020 year 2021 year by.the joint

 voting of the China Medical column group and.the China Council ofclinical medicine.

 On March 29, 2021, Professor.Li Chengyi particip atedin. the joint report of2021International Chin.a public welfare ceremonyand..was awarded the title of “ image ambassador.of traditional Chinese medicine”.

 In April 2021, Professor.Li Chengy i wasin.cluded

 in.the exhibition record of 100 National Medical U

 niversity Teachers promoting the development of Chi nese traditional medicine.

 On May 23, 2021, Professor.Li Chengyi wasin.vite d to participatein. the China business leaders foru m, the 10th annual meeting of leaders of the golden code award public

 satisfaction model brand.press r elease. In the 10th “witness the power of brand” pu blic satisfaction special research

 activity, accordin.g to the nomination of experts, journalists, p lan ners, the publicand..industry figures,and..the scor.ing results of the tripartite data of “recommendati on of

 theorganizing committee, public votingand..strict review”, Beijing Chengyi Medical Research Ins

 titute was elected as the Golden Book Awardin. thisresearch activity Professor.Li Chengyi,Presidentof the Institute, won the Golden Award for. outstanding contributions to the

 development of contemporary Chinese medicine The top ten role models for. leading thedevelopment of traditional Chinese

 medicineindustryand..promoting the high-qualitydevelopmen t

 of traditional Chinese medicinein.dustry Annual top tenin.novative peop le award.

 On May 24, 2021, the 18th China Scientists Forum was heldin. Beijing. Academicians,experts, scient ificand..technological workersand..entrepreneurs fr om all over the country attended theannual scienceand..technology event. During the meeting, the fourth China enterprise Chief Scientists Forum was alsoheld.

 Professor.Li Chengyi wasin.vited to attend the meetingand..make a speech.

 In this event, Professor.Li Chengy i won the “202

 0-2021in.fluential scientificandtechnologicalin.n ovation Pioneer Award”,and..Beijing Chengyi Qihuang traditional Chinese medicine hospital won the “2020-2021 outstanding contribution award for.social re

 sponsibility”. On May 27and..28, 2021, Professor.Li

 Chengy i wasin.vited to attendand..speak at the 202 1 Seminar on the development of new business forms and.new situations of China’s economy in. Diaoyutai state guesthouse! Qi Xuchun, vice chairman of the 1 2thNationalCommittee of the Chinese peop le’s Poli tical Consultative Conference, Xie Zhongyu, chairma

 n of the board of supervisors of the first state-ow

 ned key large enterprises of the State Council,and..other

 leadersand.. national outstanding entrep reneu rs took group photos as souvenirs.

 At this conference, Professor.Li Chengyi won

 the title of “ lifetime achievement

 award of contempora ry Chinese medicine”, “outstanding

 innovative fig ur e promoting the development of traditional Chinese

 medicinein.dustry”and..“outstanding contributor.wit h the most sense of social responsibility”!

 On June 28, 2021, Professor.Li Chengy i was cited

 by.the audioand..video publishing house.of s anchen film

 library as a pioneer approaching the ri se of a great country!

 From July 18 to 20, 2021, the 21st China

 Century Collection and.annual peop le’

 s television summaryand..commendation conference was heldin. the studio hall of CCTV. This year is the beginning of the 14t h five year p lan and.a new era of rebirth after

 the epidemic.

 President Li Chengyi wasin.vited to atte nd the 21st China

 Century Collection and.annual peo p le’s television

 summaryand..commendation conferenc e. Beijing Chengyi medical researchin.stitute won t he honorary title of “contemporary caring medical i nstitution”,and..President Li Chengyi won the honor.ary title of “expert on special treatment of diffic ultand..miscellaneous diseases of contemporary trad itional Chinese medicine”and..“founder of contempor

 ary traditional Chinese medicine”.

 On August 2, 2021, Professor.Li Chengy i wasin.cl

 uded by.China Scienceand..Culture Pressin. the book

 “a hundred years of struggleand..a new journey (le arning the spirit of the party’s historyand..biogra

 phyand..following the party’s 100 peop le Pepsi coll ection record)”!

 On August 22, 2021, Professor.Li Chengyi wasin.v ited to

 participatein. the recording of the sixth i ssue of “100 years’ list ofin.novative heroesin. th e interview of charactersin.

 the series of beauty o f discovery”. This program is hosted by.Shao Mingyue, a famous host of CCTV. It aims to carry forward the spirit of scientificand..technologicalin.novati onin. the new era, disp lay the latest achievements of China’s

 scienceand..technology under the new sit uation, and.establish the benchmark of China’s scie nceand..technology in.dustry under the new pattern. Impromptuin.terview awarded comrade “Li Chengy i”: t he beauty of discovery The focus of 2021 news of th

 e power ofin.novation era.

 From September 18 to 19, 2021, the 19th Chinese scientists (International) forum was heldin. Beijin.g. Dr. Li Chengy i wasin.vited to participatein.

 the forumand..gave a keynote speech on

 “knowledge, pra ctice, carry forward the pastand..forge ahead – on thein.heritanceand..innovation of traditional Chine se medicine”. Beijing Chengy i Qihuang Hospital of t

 raditional Chinese medicine was awarded the title o

 f “Research Center for.the development of tradition al Chinese medicine industry, School of business, C hinese Academy of Management Sciences”,and.. Professor..Li Chengyi was

 awarded the title of “image ambas sador.of scientific

 and.technologicalin.novation” a t the 19th China scientists (International) forum. Chen Gui, chairman of China Scientists Forum, Dean

 of Business School of Chinese Academy of Management

 Sciencesand..President of entrepreneur branch of China

 future research association, issued the cert ificate.

 In December 2021, Professor.Li Chengy i won the h onorary title of “extraordinary person of Chinain.


 In the face of honor, Li Chengy i dare not relax at all. He often remembers the words given to him b y his mentor.LV Bing kui, “hanging a pot to help the world,and..there is no end to medicine”,and..uses this to encourage himself. He has gone through tria lsand..hardships all the way. From

 “characteristic therapy of Chinese medicine skill”, “characteristic

 therapy of excellent famous Chinese medicine”, to

 “bestin.vention achievement award of China’s scient ificand..technological innovation”and..“Asian medic al scienceand..technology Honor.Award” “China manag ement science researchand..application excellent ac hievement

 award”,and..then to the 2015 national

 top ten characteristicin.novative

 therapies with the m ost promotion value, one therapy has won many award s, which not only demonstrates its superior.curativ

 e effect, but also highlights the founder’s exquisi te medical skills.

 In addition, Professor.Li Chengyi alsoin.sisted on leading students, focusing on cultivating a new generation of

 doctors,and.. imparting his knowledge to them without

 reservation. Hein.sisted on speakin.g with facts, worked hard to improve medical techno

 logy,and..used word-of-mouthand..medical skills to build the brand.of Beijing Chengyi Medical Research Institute.

 Inor.der to promote the development of China’s h ealth culture, Li Chengyi has beenin.vited to

 visit dozens of countriesand..regions,

 made keynote spee

 ches at thein.ternational academic exchange confere

 nce of traditional Chinese medicine on behalf of Chin.a’s

 traditional Chinese medicine community for.ma ny times,and..provided health treatment for.

 leaders of many

 countries, which has been highly praised. Honorary president Li is appointed as the consultan t of the Sino Republican

 cooperation committee of t he Republic of Chinain. Burundi. As

 a member of the think tank of the two

 governmentsand..civil exchan ges, China’s vice president of the Chinese Scientis ts Forum, director.of the China folk

 medicine resea rchand..Development Association, the

 “coldand..misc ellaneous diseases” written by.Zhang Zhong

 jing, the deputy

 director.of the Baiyun Pavilion, the deputy editor.in.chief of the book “ revitalizing the coun

 try through scienceand..education”. He won the outs

 tanding achievement award of Health Ambassador.in.E

 uropeand..Americaand.. was awarded the national medi cal Saint awardin. China.

 六、多面人生,诠释生命非凡意义 自古至今,每一位在人生事 业 上有着突出成就的学者,做任何事 情都能取得一定的成绩。作为 武 学、中医都精通的李乘伊教授,在 中国书画、诗词方面也有极高 造 诣,即兴赋诗 1000 多首,并在 2014 年正式拜千古草圣于右任 先生养 子、书画巨擘黄宾虹先生弟子刘田 依大师为师系统学习中国 书画鉴 定和“标准草书千字文大字典”的 整理、编辑、宣传、推广 工作。他 的书画作品被多国政要、将军、企业家收藏。

 2009 年 10 月,作品参加“和 谐中华海峡两岸书画艺术家交

 流 活动作品展”获优秀奖。在国家发 改委举办的纪念红军长征胜利 八十周年干部职工书画展中,李乘伊教授的书画作品《万里长征、光 照千秋》被国家发改委收藏。

 在传播中国优秀传统文化方 面,李乘伊教授和他的恩师刘田依 大师,为人类做出的卓越贡献必将 被历史所铭记!

 “为人类的健康事业而奋斗 终身”是李乘伊教授的哲言,也是 一种信念,更是一种信仰。无论从 事武学、养生、书画、诗词, 还 是 从事医学本身,李乘伊教授每走一 步都实践了这句誓言!他的杰 出事 迹,在《中国中医名人榜》、《华 夏医魄》《实际辉煌》《时代中 国 人》《祖国》《科技兴国》、《创 新中国人物志》《中国领军人物之 李 乘伊》、《协同、创新、发展》 《迈向世界的中医科技》《聚焦中 国 人》《华夏名人荟萃》 (与袁隆 平等科学家共同荣登封面人物) 《中 国创新梦》(与诺贝尔奖获得者屠呦呦共同荣登封面人物)等三十多部 书刊典籍中均有记载。

 李乘伊教授用大爱无疆、大道 无垠的博大胸怀,诠释了一名医

 务 工作者的崇高使命与担当 ;他用一心为民、润物无声的身体力行, 不 新将厚重积淀和独到的感悟融会 贯通到从医经验中,为医务工作 者 和科研工作者树立了学习的榜样。

 跋文:李乘伊教授致力于推动 中医现代化发展,其独特的研究方 法与创新理念深受同行称赞。他强调结合现代科技手段,以实证研究 为依托,深度挖掘中医理论的科学 内涵,让更多人了解中医、认可 中医、受益于中医在李教授的带领 下,中医学界开创了许多全新的 研究领域。他积极倡导健康生活方 式,推广传统养生保健知识,倡 导人与自然和谐共生,努力构建一个 更加健康、和谐、美好的社会 环境。他的贡献不仅在于医术,更在于对 人类健康事业的关注与执 着。

 在未来的发展中,李乘伊教授 将继续以身作则,带领中医学界 不 断探索、创新、发展,为人类健康 事业贡献更多的智慧和力量!

 6、Multifaceted life,in.terpreting the extraordinary

 significance of lifeSince ancient times, everyscholar who has made outstanding achievementsin. li feand..career can make certainachievementsin. anyt hing. As a professor.who is

 proficientin. martial a rtsand..traditionalChinese medicine, Professor.Li Chengyi also has great attainmentsin. Chinese calligraphy, paintingand..poetry. He wrote more than 100 0 poems impromptu. In 2014, heofficially worshippe d Master Liu T iany i, the adopted son of Mr. Yu Your enand..the disciple

 of Mr. Huang Binhong, a giant o f calligraphyand..painting, as a teacher to systema tically study the identification of

 Chinese calligr ap hyand..paintingand..the sorting, editing, publici tyand..promotion of the “Standard Cursive

 thousandcharacter dictionary”. His

 calligraphyand..paintingworks have been collected

 by.political dignitaries,generalsand..entrepreneursin. manycountries.

 In October 2009, his works participatedin. the ”

 harmonious cross strait calligraphyand.painting ar tist

 exchange activity work exhibition”and..won theexcellent

 award. In thecalligraphyand..painting e xhibition held by.the national developmentand..Refo rmCommission to commemorate the 80th anniversary o f the victory of the Red Army’s LongMarch, Professor..Li Chengyi’s calligraphy and.painting work “Long March, light forthousands of years” was collectedby.the

 national developmentand..Reform Commission.

 In terms of disseminating China’s excellent trad itional culture, Professor. Li Chengyiand..his mento r Master Liu T iany i will be remembered by.history for. their outstanding contributions to mankind!

 “Strive for.human health for. life” is Professor

 Li Chengyi’s oath, a beliefand..a belief. Whether e ng agedin. martial arts, healthpreservation, callig rap

 hyand..painting, poetryor..medicine itself, Professor.Li Chengyi has practiced this oath every step!

 His outstanding deeds have been listedin. the list of

 famous Chinese doctors of traditional Chinese m edicine, the soul of Chinese medicine, practical br illiance, the Chinese peop le of the times, the moth erland, rejuvenating the country through science an dtechnology, the annals of innovative

 Chinese fig ures, Li Chengyi, the leader of China, synergy, innovationand.development, traditional Chinese medicin.e

 scienceand..technology marchingtowards the world, focusing on the Chinese peop le, the gathering of C hinese celebrities

 (conamed on the cover with scientists such as Yuan Longping) It is recordedin. more than 30 books, periodicalsand..classics, such as the dream of China’sin.novation (co named on the cover with Nobel laureate Tu youyou).

 Professor.Li Chengy i explained the lofty

 missionand..responsibility of a medical worker with his br oad mind of boundless loveand..boundless Avenue; Wi th hi silent practiceofwholeheartedly serving the peop leand..moistening things, he constantly in.tegrated the profound

 accumulationand..uniquein.sightsinto his medical experience,and..set an examp le for.medical

 workersand..scientific researchers.